2023-2024 Frog Pond

Welcome to the Frog Pond class of 2023-2024:Signe, Jaxx, Natalie, Holden, Dominic, Dekolby, Rylan, Charlie, Damon, Ariana, Brooklynn, Mabel, Carter, Caliber, Kynsleigh, Ethan, Liam

Monday, August 24, 2015

End of the Day Dismissal Changes

Starting this school year, the entry doors to Banford will remain closed at the end of the day. Parents/guardians wishing to pick their child up at the end of the day will sign them out from the cafeteria through the side entrance. 

If someone other than a parent/guardian of a child wants to pick up a student they need to provide proper identification. The Banford office must have written permission ahead of time from the parent/guardian indicating the date, time and name of the person who will be picking the student up.

PLEASE NOTE: A written note must be in the office by 8:00am in order to permit any changes to a student's dismissal plan or busing arrangement. 

Telephone calls, e-mails, voice mails, and or faxes will not be accepted during the day to change a child's dismissal plan or busing arrangements.

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